Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Welcome Forrette Triplets

Ella, Eva, and Evan Forrette were born Monday, October 21st, 2013 at 9:59am (Ella) and 10:00am (Eva & Evan).

Ella Sophia - 6 lbs. 14 oz. & 19 inches
Eva Elizabeth - 6 lbs. 11 oz. & 18 inches
Evan Reed - 6 lbs. 2 oz. & 19 inches

The whole Forrette Family!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

They're almost here!

We did it! The big day is almost here! Full term with triplets and we are just hours away from meeting our sweet little babies! We are scheduled for a C-Section tomorrow at Salem Hospital. In order to have a natural delivery, baby A has to be head down, however, she has been very comfortable being sideways for the last couple of months! The doctor does not want to wait any longer to deliver due to the toll it has on my body. There will be about 30 people in the operating room with us and each baby will have a team monitoring them. We are praying for big healthy babies and hope to avoid the NICU all together! 

Thank you for all the love, support and prayers everyone has given us these past few months. We're looking forward to all the new things God has planned for us and these three little blessings! 

37 Weeks!

Friday, October 4, 2013

35 Weeks!!

Most common questions update:

SleepI have good nights and bad nights. Some nights I get good 3 hour stretches at a time and other nights it seems like I don't sleep at all! I suppose it's good practice for when the babies arrive :)

MovementThey are still moving a lot considering how squished they must be! I don't know how they even fit in there! Is my belly really big enough for 16lbs of baby!? Wow it's pretty amazing to think about!

Food cravings: No cravings and still drinking protein drinks regularly.

Names: A: Ella Sophia B: Eva Elizabeth  C: Evan Reed

Pregnancy symptomsAll I can say is sore everywhere! I'm not able to walk far without feeling like my back might give out at any moment. My belly is so heavy! Other than that not much has changed. I'm just waiting for labor to start anytime now! Thankfully Chris is here to take the kids to and from school now! 

Best moment this week: We celebrated Bekah's birthday this week! My biggest little girl is 9 years old now. They really do grow up too fast... Although I have to say, I am so happy we made it passed her birthday! I was so worried we were going to have 4 kids with birthdays on the same day!

Upcoming appointmentsI am no longer seeing the specialists due to delivering anytime now, but I will be seeing my regular OB/GYN on Friday, October 11th.

Friday, September 20, 2013

33 weeks and we're all ready!

We are so happy to have made it this far! One week past the average for delivering triplets, woohoo! At my last doctor appointment I was measuring at 50 weeks pregnant. Whoa! Even though I'm so ready, I know that everyday the babies stay in there the less time they will need to stay in the NICU. Everyday is a milestone and a blessing! 

My last appointment with the specialists is scheduled for next Wednesday. I hope we can get a couple pictures this time!

Here are some pictures of the room. We are all ready for our babies to come home!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

29 Weeks

Most common questions update:

Sleep: I have only been getting about 3 hours of sleep at night. Lots of tossing and turning. It's been very hard to get comfortable and I seem to be starving by about 3 am! Haha! I suppose the babies are preparing me for what's to come! Thankfully a movie usually keeps the kiddos busy long enough for me to have a nap in the afternoons!

Movement: Still moving like crazy! Sometimes I think they are trying to break out of there, they are definitely getting stronger! 

Food cravings: Still no cravings but I'm trying to keep up my calorie and protein intake and have also started drinking protein drinks regularly. 

Names: A: Ella B: Eva C: Evan

Pregnancy symptoms: Starting to feel stretched to the max! I'm not sure how I could possible get any bigger. Staying off my feet is the only way to keep the swelling under control and all the joints in my hands are starting to ache. Other than the other obvious pregnancy symptoms I'm doing very well. Still no bed rest although there are days I'd rather stay in bed! Chris and the girls are taking very good care of me!

Best moment this week: Getting every last thing we need for the babies arrival. Chris has been working overtime to get the house ready! We are still hoping to make it another 7 weeks but are prepared for them to come anytime now! (I will post pictures of the room soon)

Upcoming appointments: We have 2 appointment the first week of September. I will give another update at 31 weeks.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Appointment update

I've had 2 appointments in the last week! Babies are growing like little weeds now. They have all grown about 1 pound each within last 4 weeks! I'm measuring at 46 weeks pregnant now and growing by the minute (yikes!). We are just so happy everything is going so well and I am most thankful for no bed-rest!!!

Here are some new ultrasound pictures... With names :)

Left to right: Eva, Evan, Ella
Ella Sophia (miss piggy wouldn't let us get a profile picture, but we can see her little nose perfectly!)
Eva Elizabeth
Evan Reed
Evan saying hello

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Baby Shower!!!

Thanks to my amazing mom and sisters I had the most beautiful baby shower! I couldn't have felt more loved and blessed by all my friends and family. Here are a few pictures from our special day!

24 Weeks

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Appointment update

I met with the OHSU specialists today and all the babies are right on track! They are all growing beautifully, and are all very close in size. The weights are above each picture below! It's getting harder for them to get good picures of them because they are all getting a little squished in there!

Most common questions update:

Sleep: It is definitely getting harder to sleep, I keep adding more pillows to the bed (I think I'm up to about 5 pillows now) to keep elevated so I can breathe!

Movement: They are moving constantly now! It's pretty amazing to feel all of them kicking at the same time!

Food cravings: Still no cravings but sweets always sound better than other food!

Genders: A: Girl B: Girl C: Boy

Pregnancy symptoms: My growing belly is getting much heavier and I am feeling very pregnant now. I also have braxton hicks contractions regularly, almost every time I walk, even just to the bathroom. Those are normal though and they don't hurt they're just uncomfortable!

Best moment this week: Getting to see the babies again and getting to spend more time with my girls now that I am home with them full time!

Upcoming appointments: I am scheduled to see my regular OB every 2 weeks now and will continue to see the specialists every 3-4 weeks.

A-Girl 1.8lbs 

 B-Girl 1.6lbs

C-Boy 1.7lbs